mercredi 16 février 2011

Remember a day... 1: Travel light

« I got something in my head,
Something sleeping in my head
That I don't wanna wake up you see.
Something in my head
And my lazy little body isn't ready yet to set it free.
Well it's some kind of hibernation,
Who will ever force me out?
With that polar bear up there,
How am I gonna travel light? »

10 commentaires:

  1. et quel est le cri de l'ours ???
    on ne l'a pas sur notre livre!!

  2. L'ours grogne ou gronde me dit-on.
    S'il appelle au secours, c'est qu'il a probablement déjà commencé son repas avec celui qui courait le moins vite...

  3. Il n'a pas attendu que le ciel passe au vert pour traverser ?!

  4. Mais il est bien passé par les bandes blanches...

  5. sécurité routière19 février 2011 à 13:42

    Bah, de toute façon il n'y avait pas beaucoup de trafic...

  6. This one is my poem ;)

    Ode owed to Duygu:

    Big beautiful polar bear
    This dreamy world up there
    Is your kingdom I can swear
    Huge heart below so much hair
    And all around you this raw power
    How could I forget those times ever
    Motionless moon just stay and stare
    From this misty purple bed of her
    For long my light sweet care
    Will caress you brother bear

  7. Hahaaa- just now red it here also!
    I am sure- next year, if I should manage to come,
    I will see one and you'll get a whole RAP SONG :)

  8. YEEES!
    And you will have to dance on it while singing, with a cap on your head turned backwards.
